CentOS: How to Configure Zimbra Mail Server

Changing the hostname

                hostnamectl set-hostname server.com

Mapping host names to IP addresses.

Installing Zimbra. Open Source Edition.

Copy the link of your correct Linux machine

Downloading the Zimbra through

                wget “LINK”

Extracting the file using,

                Tar xzvf

Navigate to the directory

And Installing it using,


Stop the default mail

                systemctl stop sendmail

systemctl stop postfix

Yes for Y

Yes for Y

Everything will be Yes for Y

Continue with a YES for Y

The MAIN MENU of Zimbra configuration

set the password using

                type 7

                type 4

                type the password

                and type a, for confirm

                and yes

Accept the risk and continue

You will see the Zimbra admin console


The Zimbra Portal

For adding Accounts

Adding password for the Account created

The Mail Users



                                right click on mail inside domain

                                External AD

zmmtactl restart

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