Windows Server: Monitoring and Auditing DNS Server


Configuring and managing a DNS server in Windows Server involves implementing various features and settings to enhance its security, performance, and functionality. In this guide, we explored several important aspects such as Response Rate Limiting, Selective Recursion Control, Query Filtering, Upward Referral Responses, DNS Socket Pool, DNS Server Cache Locking, Zone Level Statistics, Event Logging, Debug Logging, DNS Server Monitoring, and Performance Tuning.

Response Rate Limiting

As DNS Clients cache responses, any client that repeatedly asks for the same name in a short period of time is likely malicious

RRL settings allow you to configure how a DNS server responds to repeated queries for the same record over a short period of time

Response rate limiting is disabled by default on Windows Server 2016 DNS

Response rate limiting is configured using the Set-DNSServerResponseRateLimiting cmdlet

ResponsesPerSecMaximum number of times server sends same response per second. Default 5
ErrorsPerSecMaximum number of times server sends error response to per second. Default 5
WindowInSecResponses per sec averaged over window length to trigger RRL. Default 5 seconds
IPv4PrefixLengthIPv4 subnet size for monitoring queries. Default 24 bit
IPv6PrefixLengthIPv6 subnet size for monitoring queries. Default 56 bit
LeakRateResponse rate to RRL blocked subnets. O:No response. Default 3 means 1 query answered in 3. Values:O,2–10
TruncateRateTruncated response rate to RRL blocked subnets
MaximumResponsesPerWindowsMaximum responses in windows to RRL blocked subnets in event of large attack. Default 1024
ModeEnable, Disable, Log Only

Selective Recursion Control

A DNS server that supports recursion will resolve queries on behalf of clients

When recursion is disabled, the DNS server will only respond to queries for names where the DNS server hosts the relevant zone

Allow the DNS server to resolve queries recursively for some clients, without the DNS server being an open resolver for all clients

Use to allow recursion for internal clients, but disallow for external clients

Manage using:
 — Set-DNSServerRecursionScope
 — Add-DNSServerRecursionScope
 — Add-DNSServerQueryResolutionPolicy

Response Rate Limiting Exceptions

Configure exceptions to RRL policies for known subnets or interfaces
 — Exempt internal network interface from RRL policies
 — Exempt specific subnets from RRL policies

Configure using:


Query Filtering

You can filter queries using DNS policies

You can configure policies to:
 — Block queries for a specific domain
 — Block queries from a specific subnet
 — Block queries for specific record types
 — Allow queries only for specific subnets
 — Allow queries only from specific subnets
 — Allow queries only for specific record types

Create policies using
 — Add-DNSServerQueryResolutionPolicy

Upward Referral Responses

Prior to Server 2012 R2, Windows DNS servers recursion disabled responded with upward referral responses with a list of name servers in the response’s “additional” section

This makes DNS server susceptible to DNS amplification attack

Windows Server 2016 DNS servers with recursion disabled will respond with SERV_FAIL messages

Clients are almost always aware of root server addresses, so this has minimal impact on legitimate traffic

DNS Socket Pool

Enables DNS server to use source port randomization when issuing DNS queries

Protects against cache poisoning attacks

Enabled by default on Windows Server 2016

Can be configured using dnscmd.exe or by editing the registry

DNS Server Cache Locking

Configure whether information in DNS server cache can be overwritten
 — DNS servers will respond with entries in cache up to record TTL
 — Attackers can poison cache by overwriting cache records
 — Cache locking determines what percentage of record TTL cached record cannot be overwritten

Set-DnsServerCache -LockingPercent

Zone Level Statistics

Provide information on
 — Server wide statistics
 — Zone transfer statistics
 — Packet statistics
 — Record statistics
 — DNSSEC statistics

$statistics = Get-DNSServerStatistics -ZoneName

View Zone Level Statistics

Write zone statistics to a variable and then query the variable

Event Logging and Event IDs

Audit events are logged each time
 — DNS server setting is changed 
 — DNS zone setting is changed 
 — DNS resource record is changed

DNS Audit Events

Event IDType  
513Zones delete 
514Zone updated 
515Record creates 
516Record deletes 
521Record scavenges 
522Zone scopes create 
523Zone scopes delete 
537Forwarder reset 
540Root hints modification 
551Clear statistics 
559Pause zone
560Resume zone
564Update from AD DS
573Add delegation
578Create zone policy
579Create forwarding policy
580Delete server policy
581Delete zone policy
582Delete forwarding policy

Debug Logging

Debug log allows you to record packet and transport information

Configure on the Debug Logging tab of DNS server properties

Disabled by default

DNS Server Monitoring

Allows you to verify from the DNS console that the DNS server is responding to queries

Can also perform recursive test query when recursion is enabled

Can be configured to automatically test simple and recursive queries on an interval

DNS Server Performance Tuning

Disable recursion

Create explicit firewall rule for UDP port 53 for interface IP address

Reduces firewall CPU usage

On computers with more than 12 cores, set UDP thread count to 8


Set network adapter buffers to maximum

Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name <NIC> -DisplayName “Receive Buffers” -DisplayValue “Maximum”


Configuring and maintaining a DNS server in Windows Server involves implementing various features and settings to enhance security, performance, and functionality. By utilizing Response Rate Limiting, Selective Recursion Control, Query Filtering, and other mechanisms, administrators can ensure the DNS server operates efficiently and securely, mitigating potential threats and optimizing DNS traffic. Monitoring and fine-tuning the server’s performance further contribute to its reliable operation and smooth resolution of DNS queries. Overall, implementing these best practices and features enhances the DNS server’s functionality and helps ensure a stable and secure DNS infrastructure.

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