Windows Server: What is DNS Records?


Microsoft DNS Server is a powerful tool that allows you to manage and configure DNS records for your network. DNS records are essential for translating domain names into their corresponding IP addresses, enabling seamless communication between devices. The DNS Server supports various record types, such as A records for IPv4 addresses, AAAA records for IPv6 addresses, CNAME records for aliases, PTR records for reverse DNS lookup, and many more. Additionally, it provides support for SRV records, which define the location of specific services within a domain. With PowerShell commands, you can easily add, retrieve, and remove DNS records, ensuring smooth DNS resolution.

DNS Record

Microsoft DNS Server provides a wide range of record types to effectively manage and configure DNS in your network. The A record maps domain names to IPv4 addresses, while the AAAA record does the same for IPv6 addresses. CNAME records create aliases for domain names, simplifying DNS management. The PTR record performs reverse DNS lookup, resolving IP addresses to domain names. Additionally, SRV records define service locations within a domain, catering to specific protocols and services. The DNS server also supports adding unsupported record types based on RFC 3597. Zone options, specified in the SOA record, allow crucial configuration parameters for DNS zones. With PowerShell commands, you can easily manage DNS records for efficient DNS resolution and administration.

Microsoft DNS Server

  1. A (Host) Record: The A record maps a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to an IPv4 address, allowing the resolution of domain names to their associated IP addresses.

Example: “” ->

  1. AAAA (Host) Record: Similar to the A record, the AAAA record maps an FQDN to an IPv6 address, enabling the resolution of domain names to their corresponding IPv6 addresses.

Example: “” -> 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334

  1. CNAME (Alias) Record: The CNAME record creates an alias or canonical name for an FQDN. It allows multiple domain names to be associated with a single IP address, simplifying DNS management and enabling flexible domain configurations.

Example: “” -> “”

  1. PTR (Pointer) Record: The PTR record performs reverse DNS lookup by mapping an IPv4 or IPv6 address to an FQDN. It is primarily used to resolve IP addresses to corresponding domain names.

Example: -> “

And many more record types such as SOA, NS, MX, TXT, SPF, SRV, etc., each serving specific purposes and catering to various DNS requirements.

SRV Records: SRV records are used to define the location of specific services within a domain. They consist of service, protocol, priority, weight, and port fields. Here are some commonly used SRV records for different services and protocols:

  • Service for finger protocol using TCP.
  • Service for FTP using TCP.
  • Service for HTTP using TCP.
  • Service for Kerberos using TCP.
  • Service for IDAP using TCP.
  • Service for Microsoft Cluster Database Services using TCP.

And more, depending on the services and protocols you need to configure.

Unknown Record Support: Microsoft DNS Server supports the addition of unsupported record types based on RFC 3597. These records can be added in a “binary on the wire” format. While the DNS server will not perform any specific processing for these unsupported record types, it will respond to record queries if received.

Zone Options: Zone options are specified in the Start of Authority (SOA) record and provide essential configuration parameters for DNS zones. Some key options include:

  • Refresh Interval: Specifies the time interval for refreshing zone data.
  • Retry Interval: Specifies the time interval for retrying failed zone transfers.
  • Expired After: Specifies the time after which the zone data is considered expired.
  • Minimum (Default) TTL: Specifies the default Time To Live (TTL) value for records in the zone.
  • Record TTL: Specifies the TTL value for specific resource records.

PowerShell Commands for DNS Record Management:

DNS Record Types

AHost record. Matches FQDN to IPv4 address
AAAAHost record. Matches FQDN to IPv6 address
CNAMEAlias. Maps to an A or AAAA record
PTRMaps an IPv4 or IPv6 address to an FQDN
SOAStart of Authority. Provides information about the zone
NSName Server. Used to identify name servers
MXMail Exchanger. Used to identify SMTP servers
TXTText record. Allows information to be published through DNS. SPF records are a special type of TXT record  

Other Record Types

ATMAMaps FQDN to ATM address
DSDelegation signer. Validates chained DNSSEC trust relationship
DHCIDResolves conflicts of FQDNs for DHCP clients
DNSKEYValidates DNSSEC responses
DNAMEAlias DNS domain for name specified in resource records in current zone
HINFOHost information record. Maps CPU and OS information to DNS name
ISDNMaps FQDN to ISDN telephone number
MGMail Group used to map mailbox records (MB) as a member of a group
MBMap’s domain mailbox to host that hosts the mailbox
MINFOMail list information
NAPTRNaming Authority Pointer. Includes regular expression rewrite rule that produces new domain label or URL
NXTNext record. Indicates nonexistence of name in a zone
KEYStores public key related to DNS zone. Authenticated by a SIG record
MRRenamed mailbox
RPResponsible person. Person responsible domain mailbox name
RTRoute Through. Binding for internal hosts that do not have WAN address
X.25Maps FQDN to PSDN address
WKSWell Known Service. Well known TCP/IP services supported by protocol at specific IP address
SIGCryptographic signature record. Authenticates resource records

SRV Records



 Clients first attempt to contact server with lowest priority figure

 Used to load balance when multiple records have the same priority

 Port where service is available

Unknown Record Support

Unknown record support based on RFC 3597

Can add unsupported record types in a “binary on the wire” format

Windows Server 2016 DNS server will not perform any specific processing, but will respond to record queries if received

Zone Options

Zone options are specified in SOA record,

Refresh interval, Retry interval, Expired after, Minimum (default) TTL and Record TTL.

Record PowerShell Commands




In conclusion, Microsoft DNS Server offers comprehensive support for managing DNS records in your network. With various record types available, you can efficiently map domain names to IP addresses, aliases, and service locations. PowerShell commands provide a convenient way to add, retrieve, and remove DNS records, simplifying DNS management tasks. By effectively configuring and maintaining DNS records, you can ensure smooth and reliable name resolution for your network, enabling seamless communication between devices and services.

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